Clinic Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures
DROP-OFF: Please allow extra time in the morning, it can get busy. All cats MUST be dropped off between 7:30-9:00 am.
Feral cats should be brought in a trap for the safety of our staff and other cats in the clinic. Please make sure there is plenty of newspaper/bedding in the bottom of the trap, and that the trap is covered.
Pet cats should be brought in individual (hard sided preferred) carriers. Please make sure there is plenty of warm bedding in the carrier. Kittens can be transported 2 or 3 to a carrier.
PICK-UP: We will call for pick-up as soon as cats are out of recovery and ready to go home, usually beginning late morning or early afternoon. All cats MUST be picked up at the latest between 4:00-4:45 pm.
Adult cats should have no food after midnight on the day prior to surgery - PLEASE, do provide water overnight. If your cat eats the day of surgery, he/she cannot have surgery.
Kittens under four months of age should be given a small amount of dry food and water overnight. Also, feed the kitten a teaspoon of canned food at 6:00 am the morning of surgery.
To schedule an appointment, please click on the button below.